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Find An AVALA Physician Near You!

AVALA Care is committed to offering access to its first-class healthcare, clinic amenities, and its highly rated physicians in our local communities. We are committed to expanding our footprint to help serve the people of the greater New Orleans Area.

Covington Clinic

P: 985.338.2620

F: 985.338.2621

7039 Hwy 190 East Service Road
Covington, LA 70433



For media inquiries or for booking engagements, please contact:
Kristen Dupuy, Marketing Manager, AVALA Physician Network

P: 985-801-2028 | E:

 Looking For a Physician Speaker?
AVALA’s physicians are nationally recognized patient health advocates and charismatic speakers. As notable experts in their fields, AVALA’s physicians have a reputation for passionately speaking on a range of topics.